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http://liveperformersmeeting.net/ The sixteenth edition of LPM Live Performers Meeting begins on May 28th, 2015 in the spaces of Nuovo Cinema Aquila andSapienza University in Rome. LPM offers the unique opportunity to experience 4 days of audiovisual performances, VJing, workshops, panel discussion, product showcases presented by hundreds of VJs, audiovisual artists, new media professionals and thinkers from around the world. Indeed this community of artists made the LPM 2014 Eindhoven edition a surprising event. We hosted more than 300 artists, 220 performances, workshops and showcases, recording an overall amount of 39 participant countries. Thanks to the contribution of the European Community, the LPM project foresees many foreign editions as in Minsk (2011),Mexico City (2013) and Cape Town (2013) in addition to those held Rome (2011-2012-2013). Again, this XVI edition seeks to promote the practice of live video performance, thanks to a rich and unpredictable program aimed at exploring different themes through new audiovisual languages, techniques and technologies. The daily schedule of the event: 15:00 to 21:00 Workshops 15:00 to 16:00 Lectures and conferences 16:00 to 18:00 Presentations of projects and products 18:00 to 04:00 AV Performances and VJ / DJ sets Vj, artists, designers, professionals and the general public will be involved in the manifold planned activities: from experimentalaudiovisual performances, architectural mapping shows, and DJVJ sets to workshops, roundtables, and presentationsof products and hardware, with a special regard for Free and Open Source projects. Meeting areas devoted to the interaction among the hundreds of participants will be the corollary for the whole duration of the event. To attend the meeting, participants must register by following the procedures in the “participate” section of the website, by choosing from several subscription options. To give the opportunity to host as much performances as we can receive, the maximum duration of each show is 30 minutes. Registration is open until April 21, 2015. Do you want to participate to the Meeting? Choose from the different options and fill the applications forms below: submit a performance, propose or join a workshop, meet the artists without performing as pro artist, increase the network of your company as exhibitor, support us as volunteer, get a press accreditation. LPM is waiting for you! More informations, questions and details: subscriptions@liveperformersmeeting.net
The fifteenth edition of LPM Live Performers Meeting begins on June 26, 2014 in Eindhoven - Netherlands, in the spaces of LAB-1, an incubator and meeting place, an open museum as well as a stage for live music, expos, visuals, and djs for young creative, artists and alternative culture. The website of LPM XV Editionis now on-line and, starting from today THE CALL FOR WORKS IS OPEN! Send us your best project or performance and come join the most important event on LIVE VIDEO worldwide and celebrate with us the 10th year of the Meeting! We are looking for: AV Performance Workshop VJ Set * Live mapping * Project showcase Video Installation * The performances in this category will be included exclusively in the program of the VJ Torna Eindhoven, international contest with prizes awarded in 3 categories. The registration form is only available on-line and the subscriptions will be accepted until April 21, 2014 http://liveperformersmeeting.net/2014-eindhoven/participate/ If you wish to participateto the Meeting,but you don’t want to perform,subscribe anywayas you will have an incredible opportunity to meet hundreds of live video artists, experts and practitioners, so to further your knowledge of the hottest topics related to live video performance! The aim of LPM is to promote and diffuse the free circulation of ideas, knowledge, techniques and languages related to LIVE VIDEO practice, which will be the main focus of the Meeting. 3 days in which there will be a spectacular, innovative and engaging program, that you too can help make unique. Languages, techniques, cultural derives, innovative technologies: these are the themes that we want to discuss during our seminars and workshops. Send us your proposal for a talk, a presentation or a workshop and help us spreading knowledge! Look at thegallery of the latest edition: http://liveperformersmeeting.net/2013-cape-town/gallery/ https://flxer.net/lpm-team/events/lpm-2013-cape-town/ The video report of Cape Town edition is available at: http://vimeo.com/88073756 LPM is produced and organized by Flyer Communication, Linux Club, FLxER.net LPM Team
Subscribe! the deadline is the 10th of september! :D http://2013.liveperformersmeeting.net/ru/ucastvovat/
Hi here fatcat, from Italy. i just want to tell you about Live Performers Meeting - South Africa edition. :)/> http://2013za.liveperformersmeeting.net/concept http://2013za.liveperformersmeeting.net/participate The thirteenth edition of LPM in Rome has just ended, but we are ready to start again with another fantastic project: LPM 2013 Cape Town, which will be held at the City Hall, historic building in the heart of the capital of South Africa, November 13 to 16. The website of LPM XIV edition is now on-line and, startig from today (June 7, 2013), THE CALL FOR WORKS IS OPEN! Send us your best project or performance and come join the most important event on LIVE VIDEO worldwide! We are looking for: AV Performance Workshop VJ Set * Live mapping * Project showcase Video Installation * The performances in this category will be included exclusively in the program of the VJ Torna, international contest with prizes awarded in 3 categories. The registration form is only available on-line and the subscriptions will be accepted until September 10, 2013. 2013za.liveperformersmeeting.net/participate If you wish to participate to the Meeting, but you don’t want to perform, subscribe anyway as you will have an incredible opportunity to meet hundreds of live video artists, experts and practitioners, so to further your knowledge of the hottest topics related to live video performance! The aim of LPM is to promote and diffuse the free circulation of ideas, knowledge, techniques and languages related to LIVE VIDEO practice, which will be the main focus of the Meeting. 4 days in which there will be a spectacular, innovative and engaging programme, that you too can help make unique. Languages, techniques, cultural derives, innovative technologies: these are the themes that we want to discuss during our seminars and workshops. Send us your proposal for a talk, a presentation or a workshop and help us spreading knowledge! Look at the gallery of the latest edition: http://2013.liveperformersmeeting.net/gallery/ http://flxer.net/lpm-team/events/lpm-2013-rome/ http://lpm2013.tumblr.com/ Be up to date on LPM news and follow us on: TWITTER: twitter.com/LivePerformers FACEBOOK: facebook.com/LPM.LivePerformersMeeting FACEBOOK GROUP: facebook.com/groups/liveperformersmeeting/
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