
ВИдео уроки по Photoshop

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Total Training for Adobe Photoshop CS2

Hosted by Deke McClelland

Format: DVD (ROM)

Platform: Windows & MAC OS

Experience Level: Beginner Through Advanced

Running Time: 21 Hours, 3 DVDs (ROM)


DVD 01




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Спасибо за новые видео уроки! А то уменя на харде до сих пор старье одно валяется!

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гы+1 вот тока с трафиком траблы,в след месяце скачаю

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Для пользователей Photoshop Cs и Photoshop CS2.

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Photoshop CS (2)/Help/additional how to content

у вас в меню help, в Photoshop появляется около 100 уроков

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Photoshop Top Secret Bonus DVD | ISO | DVD | 2.7 Gb

Курс обучения для работы с программой Adobe Photoshop на 4xDVD-ROM (>16gb). Знание английского более, чем желательно.

Just released by Mark Monciardini, Photoshop® Top Secret™ is an Extreme Training Course that teaches you, step by step, how to create cutting-edge graphics and special effects with Adobe® Photoshop®. This student-friendly home study course includes four DVD-ROMs with over 16 gigabytes of video tutorials and project files. It also comes with a full-color gallery book (printed, not pdf) that shows the end result of each project in the course. You can look, learn, practice, and master these advanced techniques wherever you may be, without the need for expensive classes or tutors.

Painting Fantasy Portraits in Photoshop

* Getting Started

* Under Painting

* Begin Details

* Eye Details

* Eyelids

* Eyelashes

* Eyebrows

* Begin 2nd Eye

* Nose Details

* Nostril

* Mouth and Lips

* Neck and Feathers

* Base Highlights for Hair

* Continue Hair Highlights

* Starting the Headpiece

* Headpiece Highlights

* Headpiece Pearls/Details

* Ear Details

* Headpiece Chains/Finish

Trainer: Melanie Stimmell

Time: 5 Hours 45 Minutes

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This compilation is the sixth in a series of Photoshop Tips and Tricks tutorials that have been featured in our newsletter. This collection of Photoshop tutorials is a must have for any Photoshop enthusiast.

1 - Adobe Bridge (Running Time - 6:50)

Learn to use the new file browser provided with Photoshop CS2. This new file browserpacks a load of new features and offers a cleaner and faster approach to searching through file after file of photos and thumbnails.

2 - Blur Filters (Running Time - 5:38)

Learn to use the new blur filters provided in Photoshop CS2. These new blur filters take your projects to a new level. In this tutorial, you will learn about the very exciting new blur filter called "Suface Blur" that will add a professional look to any digital photo.

3 - Color Cutout (Running Time - 6:18)

This is a popular Photoshop trick that is easy to understand. In this tutorial, you will learn how to take a photo and single out one object to create that classic mono color look.

4 - Gradient Mask Blur (Running Time - 8:26)

In this tutorial, you will learn how to add a gradient mask to add a blur effect to the background in your photos. After this tutorial, your digital pics will be winning awards.

5 - Graffiti (Running Time - 8:40)

It seems like questions about this keep popping up. In this tutorial, you will learn how to add graffiti to a textured surface while using gradients and the Overlay option.

6 - Lens Correct (Running Time - 8:57)

In this tutorial, you will learn how to correct photos within Photoshop using the new lens correction filter. Learn to adjust the perspective of your photo without re-taking the shot.

7 - Vanishing Point (Running Time - 7:03)

This is one of the most amazing things in Photoshop CS2 hands down! You will learn how to edit your photos with a brand new filter called Vanishing Point. Learn to use the plane tool to paint out ojects and keep in scale with the photo, simply amazing.

8 - Wind Filter (Running Time - 10:33)

This is a great effect using the color table and the wind filter. Take text or any object and apply a stunning effect that looks very professional.

9 - Custom Watermark (Running Time - 4:20)

Protect yourself with a custom digital watermark. Add that professional look to any digital picture and set yourself apart.

10 - Warp (Running Time - 6:11)

A new feature to Photoshop CS2 is the Warp control. Learn to take an image, and not only distort and transform, but now warp the image and still retain quality. Photoshop CS2 now lets us take image control beyond free transform.

11 - Custom Edge (Running Time - 6:56)

Creating custom borders and edges for you digital photography can be fun and easy. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use masks to easily create custom border and edges for your digital pics.

12 - Laser (Running Time - 10:55)

In this tutorial, you will take a digital photograph of a person or layout and create a sci-fi looking laser blast. You will learn how to create colors using layers and blending modes. This is an exciting tutorial that will WOW your friends!

13 - Liquify (Running Time - 7:01)

In this tutorial, you will learn how properly use the liquefy filter in Photoshop CS2. This can be a very effective tool when editing your digital photography. Learn to create professional looking photos.

14 - Map Burn (Running Time - 14:11)

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create the look and feel of an old antique map. You can apply this effet to new maps and wow your friends and clients. You will learn to create the effect of burnt edges and yellowed paper.

15 - Marquee Tool (Running Time - 8:46)

In this tutorial, you will learn an effect using the marquee tool. This is a popular effect used in almost every magazine and splash page. You will learn to use it effectively and be confident to apply this to your own digital photography.

16 - PictoComic (Running Time - 9:08)

If you love comic books and graphic novels you will love to learn how to convert photos into comic style pics. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the Cutout Filter along with other filters to give the effect of comic book style coloring.

17 - Plante Eclipse (Running Time - 7:38)

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create the illusion of a solar eclipse, or a planet out in space. This is a very popular effect and has been widely used in all media.

18 - Ripple (Running Time - 8:56)

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a classic background image of a ripples on water. Photoshop makes this easy and fun to create and you can use this on banners, webpages and splash pages.

19 - PictoSketch (Running Time - 5:59)

In this tutorial, you will learn how to take a digital photo and convert it into a realistic sketched drawing. You will learn how to give the effect of a hand drawn picture by using filters and layers.

20 - Water Drops (Running Time - 5:22)

In this tutorial, you will learn how to add water droplets to your pics by using the Eliptical Marquee Tool and adding layer styles. Learn how to use blending options while working with layers to get a realistic water drop.


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Photoshop Blending Texture on Body Parts

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на днях подогнали видеоурсы по Фотожабе 2 с чем то гига. блин надобы хоть запустить чтонибудь позырить.

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8 Photoshop Videos

1.Side Light Effect

2.Photo to Drawing

3.Histograms and Levels

4.Stage Lights

5.Histogram Basics

6.Faded Photo

7.Old Photo Fix

8.Layer Mask Tips

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8 Photoshop Videos

1.White Balanced JPGs

2.Remove Blemishes

3.Action Secrets

4.Photoshop Diet

5.Custom Leaf Brush

6.3D Effect

7.Soft Highlight Glow

8.Beads of Sweat Effect

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Adobe Photoshop for Digital Production

2 DVD: 1.6 GB + 1.8 GB

Adobe Photoshop® is the preferred, industry-standard software for photo manipulation and graphics creation, but using it effectively for projects in production is key. Learning the tools inside and out will help develop the knowledge, efficiency and workflow for creating your next masterpiece or for your project's success. This DVD unfolds the myriad of tools and production techniques for compositing, color correcting, masking, digital painting, photo-collage and design. This DVD contains an overview of the most commonly used tools in production, and then applies them with added techniques to real-world projects. The DVD also addresses program management issues that are essential for today’s "generalist" or 2D/3D production artist.

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Глава I: Работа в Adobe Photoshop CS

Урок 1: Краткая информация о Adobe Photoshop CS

Урок 2: Создание документа. Открытие файлов

Глава II: Инструменты выделения

Урок 3: Выделение фрагментов правильной формы

Урок 4: Выделение фрагментов произвольной формы

Урок 5: Работа с выделенным фрагментом

Глава III: Приемы рисования

Урок 6: Цвет фоновый и основной

Урок 7: Инструменты рисования

Глава IV: Инструменты заливки

Урок 8: Заливка однородным цветом

Глава V: Работа со слоями

Урок 9: Понятие слой, создание слоя

Урок 10: Работа над слоями

Урок 11: Эффекты слоя

Глава VI: Работа с текстом

Урок 12: Создание и редактирование надписи

Урок 13: Искажение надписи

Глава VII: Редактирование изображения

Урок 14: Информация о документе, изменение размеров изображения

Урок 15: Изменение размеров холста и кадрирование

Урок 16: Масштабирование изображения

Урок 17: Авто-коррекция изображения

Урок 18: Размытие и повышение резкости

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Видеокурс по Photoshop от 3DNews

Использование фильтров. Работа с галереей фильтров. Превращение фотографии в картину.

Работа со Smart Filters. Добавление капель на бокал с пивом.

Инструмент Liquify. Коррекция портрета с его помощью.

Работа с текстом. Размещение текста вдоль линии.

Цветокоррекция. Инструменты Levels и Brightness/Contrast.

Коррекция старых фотографий. Использование уровней.

Корректирующие слои. Использование Adjustment Layers для восстановления старой фотографии.

Добавление трехдневной небритости.

Инструменты ретуширования: Healing Brush, Spot Healing Brush, Clone Stamp, Patch. Особенности использования каждого из них.

Оригинальный способ смягчения морщин: омоложение на 10 лет с сохранением характерных черт лица.

Ретуширование фотографии с использованием инструмента History Brush. Улучшение фактуры кожи, избавление от некрасивого блеска.

Правильное использование фильтров группы Sharpen для наведения резкости. Борьба с артефактами, которые возникают после их использования.

Альтернативный способ повышения четкости. Использование фильтров High Pass и Emboss.

Устранение недостатков фотографий в режиме Lab Color. Повышение четкости, улучшение цветопередачи, устранение цветового шума.

Наведение резкости на фотографиях, на которых присутствует "шум". Повышаем четкость, не увеличивая количество шума.

Анимация файла GIF. Создание анимированного аватара для форума.

Сложное выделение. Создание маски на основе канала.

Работа с видео в Photoshop CS3 Extended. Применение фильтров и корректирующих слоев ко всем кадрам видео одновременно.

Использование Photoshop для создания текстур. Создание бесшовной текстуры яблока.

Инструмент Vanishing Point. Наложение изображения в перспективе.

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How to Become a Photoshop "Black Belt"-Fast! Just released by Mark Monciardini, Photoshop Top Secret is an Extreme Training Course that teaches you, step by step, how to create cutting-edge graphics and special effects with Adobe Photoshop. This student-friendly home study course includes four DVD-ROMs with over 16 gigabytes of video tutorials and project files. It also comes with a full-color gallery book (printed, not pdf) that shows the end result of each project in the course. You can look, learn, practice, and master these advanced techniques wherever you may be, without the need for expensive classes or tutors. Create Posters, Movie Covers, Surreal Graphics and More!

The course will teach you how to become the ultimate Photoshop« "black belt" for fun and/or profit. You'll learn how to create top-level special effects for eye-catching movie posters, album covers, book jackets, brochures, mailing pieces, magazine covers, article illustrations, and a tremendously wide range of print ads and Web site graphics.

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Adobe Photoshop | Retouching Workflow


In this DVD you will learn how to create an automated retouching workflow. You will learn how to configure and apply Safe Auto-Levels and add amazing Contrast to images without effecting the image colour balance.

We also demonstrate a technique for dealing with colour Cast reduction, using the Histogram and Photofilter to produce a totally natural and convincing effect.

You will learn how to add these techniques to a set of Actions within Photoshop to create a powerful retouching system. You will then learn how to take this one step further creating a desktop Droplet to create an automated non-destructive workflow...

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Photoshop CS3 Channels & Masks: Advanced Techniqueswith: Deke McClelland

The elusive alpha channel remains one of the most misunderstood yet powerful tools in Photoshop. Alpha channels are collections of luminance data that control the transparency of an image, and they inform just about every aspect of Photoshop. As he builds transitional blended layers, fashions a depth map, makes edge adjustments, and takes on extreme channel mixing, Omni Award-winning expert Deke McClelland teaches Photoshop users that where there's a will, there's a way. Photoshop CS3 Channels and Masks: Advanced Techniques covers mapping texture on an image, turning flesh into stone, using vector masks, working with all different channels, creating a rustic edge effect, and much more. Exercise files accompany the tutorials.

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Я так понимаю, что уроки не на русском. Надеюсь все пойму, в школе учил немецкий.

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DesignProVideo - Photoshop CS4 101: Core Photoshop CS4 (2009)


DesignProVideo - Photoshop CS4 101 / 767 Mb

Chapter 1: Part 1

Section 1: Interface Overview

01 Introduction

02 Interface Overview

03 Customizing Menus

04 Customizing Keyboard Shortcuts

05 Customizing Panel Layouts

06 Saving A Custom Workspace

07 Working With Panels

08 Customizing Panels

09 Panel Keyboard Shortcuts

10 Cross-Platform Workspaces

11 Windows Vs. Mac Documents

12 The Document Window

13 Using The Rotate Tool

14 Multiple Document Windows

15 Consolidating Windows

16 Tiling Windows

17 Match Zoom & Location

18 Using The Zoom Tool

19 Toggling Zoom States

20 Zooming To The Pixel Level

21 Using The Hand Tool

22 Space Bar Toggles Hand Tool!

23 Using the Navigator

24 Using A Mouse Scroll Wheel

25 Using Grids

26 Using Rulers

27 Setting The Ruler Origin

28 Using Guides

29 Precisely Locating Guides

30 Locking Guides

31 Guides Tricks

Section 2: Instant Gratification

32 Auto Color Correction

33 Using Variations

34 Shadows & Highlights

35 Fading Changes

Section 3: Using Bridge - Overview

36 Bridge Overview

37 Navigating Bridge

38 Previewing Content

39 Using Metadata

40 Organizing With Collections

Section 4: Creating New Documents

41 Choosing a Document Preset

42 Creating Custom Presets

43 Image Size & Resolution

44 Color Mode & Depth

45 Choosing A Background

46 Advanced Document Settings

47 Saving Custom Presets

Section 5: Selection Tools

48 Selection Tool Overview

49 QuickMask Mode

50 Selection Tool Key Commands

51 Hiding Selection Edges

52 Selections & Layers

53 Selecting The Wrong Layer

54 Sampling All Layers

55 Feathering & Anti-Aliasing

56 Marquee Tools Overview

57 Row & Column Marquees

58 Squares, Circles, & Centering

59 Lasso & Polygonal Lasso

60 Lassos In Action

61 Magnetic Lasso

62 Quick Selection Tool

63 Magic Wand

64 De-, Re-, & Inverse Selections

Section 6: Crop and Straighten

65 Simple Crop

66 Manual Crop and Straighten

67 Auto Crop and Straighten

68 Crop a Specific Shape or Size

69 Crop and Correct Perspective

Section 7: Moving Pixels Around

70 Cutting and Moving Pixels

71 Moving Copies of Pixels

72 Copying and Pasting Pixels

73 Moving Pixels between Documents

74 Layer Panel Interface

Section 8: Layer Basics

75 Layer Types

76 The Background Layer

77 Background To Regular Layer

78 Creating Regular Layers

79 Duplicating Layers

80 Deleting Layers

81 Layer Groups

82 Layer Masks

83 Layer Versions

84 Blending Modes

Section 9: Painting Tools

85 Painting Tools Overview

86 Painting Cursor Preferences

87 Drawing Straight Lines

88 Brush Diameter and Hardness

89 Paint Blend Modes

90 Brush Opacity

91 Brush Flow

92 Airbrush Mode

93 Paint Bucket

Chapter 2: Part 2

Section 10: Gradient Tools

94 Gradients Overview

95 Gradient Presets

96 Gradient Types

97 Gradient Painting Modes

98 Reverse & Transparency

99 Dithering Gradients

100 Gradient Editor Overview

101 Editing Gradient Colors

102 Editing Gradient Transparency

103 Noise Gradients

104 Saving Gradients

Section 11: Erasers

105 Erasers Overview

106 Magic Eraser

107 Eraser Tool

108 Erase To History

109 Background Eraser Tool

Section 12: Tool Presets

110 Preset Manager

111 Changing Presets

Section 13: Using Strokes

112 Stroke Overview

113 Stroking a Selection

114 Stroking a Layer

115 Stroking a Path

Section 14: Using Fills

116 Filling with Color

117 Fill With Fore / Background

118 Fading A Fill

119 Fill With A Pattern

120 Fill From History

Section 15: Working with Patterns

121 Choosing a Pattern Preset

122 Filling with a Pattern

123 Healing Brush and Patterns

124 Patch Tool and Patterns

125 Creating a Raster Pattern

126 New Vector Shape Pattern

127 Saving Presets

Section 16: Pattern Stamp Tool

128 Pattern Stamp Tool Basics

129 Pattern Alignment

130 Impressionist Mode

Section 17: The History Panel

131 History Panel Overview

132 Undo and Redo

133 Stepping Back and Forward

134 Using Snapshots

135 History Edit State

Chapter 3: Part 3

Section 18: Creative Editing Tricks

136 Removing Red Eye

137 Clone Stamp Basics

138 Spot Healing Brush

139 Healing Brush

140 Patch Tool

Section 19: Advanced Brush Controls

141 Brush Presets

142 Creating Brushes from Pixels

143 Creating Brushes from Vector Shapes

144 Brushes Panel

145 Customizing Brush Tips

146 Shape Dynamics

147 Scattering

148 Color Dynamics

Section 20: Advanced Selection Techniques

149 Compound Selections

150 Painting Selections in Quick Mask

151 Partial Selections with Gradients

152 Saving Selections

153 Fine Tuning Selections in Channels

154 Loading Selections

155 Expand and Contract Selections

156 Feathering Selections

157 Selection Borders

158 Selection Smoothing

159 Refining Edges

Section 21: More Layer Techniques

160 Layer Locks

161 Smart Object Basics

162 Layer Masks

163 Clipping Masks

164 Layer Styles Basics

165 Rasterizing Layers

166 Color Fill Layers

167 Gradient Fill Layers

168 Pattern Fill Layers

169 Adjustment Layers Basics

Section 22: Working with Filters

170 Applying Filters

171 Reapplying Filters

172 Using the Filter Gallery

173 Using Smart Filters

174 3rd Party Filters

175 Creating Text

176 Basic Text Formatting

177 Character Panel

178 Paragraph Text

179 Warping Text

180 Find, Replace, and Spell Check

Time: 07:59:43

Video: QuickTime (.MOV), 768 x 576

Audio: MPEG-4 AAC LC, 44100Hz 128 kb/s tot , stereo (2/0)

OS: Win XP / Vista

Lang: English

Size: 767 Mb

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