Photoshop plugins

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Focus Magic v3.0.2 for Photoshop

Focus Magic uses advanced forensic strength deconvolution technology to literally "undo" blur and recover lost detail. It can repair both out-of-focus blur and motion blur (camera shake) in an image. Can you read the license plate number in the "Before" image (below) ? Can you even vaguely make out one letter ? Imagine how you could use this technology on your photos

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Плагин для фотошопа от известной фирмы Alien Skin, который придаст вашей цифровой фотографии эффекты кинофильма, моделируя теплоту и мягкость цветов, а также зернистость.


Плагин наверняка понравится тем фотографам, которые долго снимали на пленку, прежде чем перейти на современную технику. Плагин позволяет придать цифровой фотографии особый цветовой стиль определенных пленок. Например: Velvia, Ektachrome EES, GAF 500, Kodachrome и др. Их индивидуальный стиль затрагивает температуру цвета, зернистость и т.п. Преобразование фотографии производится одним кликом. Плагин также позволяет менять насыщенность, динамический диапазон, резкость. Эффекты можно применять не только ко всему изображению, но и к его отдельным частям, например, к теням.

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Tiffen DFX v1.0 for Photoshop


Tiffen Dfx software offers something for everyone, whether photo enthusiast, professional photographer, cinema-tographer or editor—anyone who wants precision control over their images.

Dfx digital filter suite offers precision adjustments over its range of effects that cannot be approached by any other digital filter software. A complete edition includes the most comprehensive array today, emulating more than 1,000 varied effects and gels, from factory pre-sets or custom effects, providing total creative and technical control with the most comprehensive and user-friendly filter-effect palette today.

Tiffen Dfx Digital Filter Suite

The Tiffen Dfx digital filter suite is the definitive set of digital optical filters. Up to 1000 filters, including simulations of many popular award-winning Tiffen glass filters, specialized lenses, optical lab processes, film grain, exacting color correction plus natural light and photographic effects--are now in a controlled digital environment with either 8 or 16 bits per channel processing.

Dfx is comprised of the following filters: Auto Adjust, Black and White, Black/White Looks, Black Diffusion/FX®, Black Pro-Mist®, Bleach Bypass, Blur, Bronze Glimmerglass®, Center Spot, Chromatic Aberration, Color Compensating, Color Conversion, Color Correct, Color-Grad®, Color Infrared, Color Looks, Color Spot, Cool Pro-Mist®, Cross Processing, Day for Night, Defog, Defringe, Depth of Field, Diffusion, Double Fog, Dual Grad, Edge Glow, Enhancing, Faux Film, Flashing, Fluorescent, Fog, F-Stop, GamColor Gels, Gels, Glimmerglass®, Glow, Gold Diffusion/FX®, Gold Reflector, Grain, Halo, HDTV/FX®, Infrared, Kelvin, Lens Distortion, Light, Light Balancing, Low Contrast, Mono Tint, ND-Grad, Night Vision, Nude/FX®, Old Photo, Overexpose, Ozone, Paint, Pencil, Photographic Filters, Polarizer, Printer Points, Pro-Mist®, Rack Focus, Radial Exposure, ReLight, Rosco Gels, Selective Color Correct, Selective Saturation, Sharpen, Silver Reflector, Smoque®, Soft/FX®, Split Field, Split Tone, Star, Streaks, Strip Grad, Sunset/Twilight, Telecine, Temperature, Three Strip, Ultra Contrast™, Vari-Star, Vignette, Warm Black Pro-Mist®, Warm Pro-Mist®, Warm Soft/FX® and Xray.

Features (Dfx Photoshop Plug-In Dfx Post-Production Plug-Ins (Adobe After Effects, Avid Pro, Apple Final Cut Pro))

- 91 individual filters

- Thousands of customizable presets

- Simulation of Tiffen glass camera filters, specialized lenses, optical lab processes, film grain, exacting color correction as well as natural light and photographic effects

- Rosco and GamColor Gel libraries

- GamColor Gobo pattern library for lighting effects

- 8 or 16 bit image processing

- Multi-processor acceleration

Dfx Filter Effects

Tiffen Dfx Digital Filter Suite is the definitive set of digital optical filters. Up to 1000 filters, including simulations of many popular award-winning Tiffen glass filters, specialized lenses, optical lab processes, film grain, exacting color correction plus natural light and photographic effects--are now in a controlled digital environment with either 8 or 16 bits per channel processing.

Available in 3 configurations: as a powerful but user friendly standalone application or as plug-ins for either still imaging or video and film post production software, Tiffen Dfx filters, expands your creative experience. Please note, that depending on which configuration you use, not all filter effects or tools will be available. Please check the user's guide for complete specifications.

Black and White

Black Diffusion/FX

Black Pro Mist

Bleach Bypass


Bronze Glimmerglass

Center Spot

Chromatic Aberration Color Compensating

Color Conversion

Color Correct

Color Grad

Color Infrared

Color Spot

Cool Mist

Cross Processing

Day for Night



Depth of Field

Double Fog

Dual Grad

Edge Glow


Faux Film









Gold Diffusion/FX

Gold Reflector






Lens Distortion


Light Balancing


Low Contrast Mono Tint


Night Vision


Old Photo





Photographic Filters Polarizer

Printer Points

Pro Mist

Rack Focus

Radial Exposure


Rosco Calcolor

Selective Color Correct

Selective Saturation


Silver Reflector



Split Field

Split Tone



Strip Grad Sunset/Twilight



Three Strip


Two Strip

Ultra Contrast



Warm Black Pro Mist

Warm Pro Mist

Warm Soft/FX


System Requirements

Windows XP Pro, XP Home, or Vista

1.0 GHz Pentium III,

Pentium or AMD processor

1 GB of RAM

(2 GB or more recommended)

1 GB of available disk space for caching and temporary files

Open-GL capable graphics card

Display with 1024 x 768 resolution or higher

(1280 x 1024 resolution recommended)

Three-button mouse

Product Requirements

Dfx is compatible with the most popular still and video post-production applications for Windows or Macintosh. Also available are Stand-alone Editions for Windows or Macintosh.

>> Minimum software requirements for still image Stand-alone Editions:

Windows XP Pro, XP Home, or Vista; Mac OSX v10.4 and above.

>> Minimum software requirements for still image Plug-In Editions:

Adobe Photoshop 7.0 and above

Adobe Photoshop Elements 3.0 and above

Adobe Photoshop Compatible Applications that support the Photoshop 6 API

>> Video Post-Production Plug-In Editions:

Adobe After Effects 7.0 and above

Adobe After Effects compatible plug-in applications

Adobe Premiere Pro 2 and above

Autodesk Combustion 4

Avid Symphony, Media Composer, Adrenaline, Nitris, MCXpress 1.5 (Win)

Avid Xpress 2.0, DV, Pro (Win)

Avid Media Composer Systems running on Mac OSX 10.4.6 and above

Avid Xpress Pro Systems running on Mac OSX 10.4.6 and above

Avid DS (32 bit systems)

Apple Final Cut Pro 6 and above

*Or other image editing applications that accept the appropriate host plug-in API.

Note: We do not support the use of our software in host applications running under Apple's Rosetta emulation mode.

Download : 35 MB

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Photoshop PlugIns Megapack

Photoshop PlugIns Megapack | 3,8 Gb

ALL Kodak DIGITAL Professional PlugIns

All Akvis PlugIns

All Alien Skin PlugIns

All Digital Anarchy PlugIns

All Digital Film Tools PlugIns

All Eastman Kodak Digital PlugIns

All Andromeda PlugIns

All Auto FX PlugIns

All AV Bros PlugIns

All Flaming Pear PlugIns

All Fred Miranda PlugIns

All Panopticum PlugIns

All Redfield PlugIns

All Human Software Plugins

All Image Factory PlugIns

Acclaim Software Focus Magic 3.0

Camera RAW and Jpeg 2000 Plug-in Bundle 1.0

AGD Color Temperature Correction 3.0

Altostorm Rectilinear Panorama Pro 1.2.1.

AmbientDesign Software Primatte Keyer 2.0

Antelligent MicroSystems Color Darkroom 1.03.

All Asiva PlugIns

Aurelon PhotoPro LensTools 1.0.2.

Aurelon PhotoPro PhotoTools 1.0.2.

Axion Flare Effects 2.0.

Axion Glow-n-Sparkle 2.0.

Brian Spangler ResizeIT 1.0.

CGSD Real Texture Tools Pro 1.0.1.

CGSD Upright 1.0.

All Chroma Software PlugIns

Curvemeister Curves 2.1.0b.

DCF Full Spectrum 1.1.2.

Epaperpress PTLens v8.6.

PhotoGraphics 1.0.

PhotoTools 3.06.

Extensis pxl SmartScale 1.03.

Nikon DSLR CSPro 1.1.rar

Nikon DSLR Resize Pro 1.1.rar

Genuine Fractals PrintPro 4.1.

Noiseware Pro

Kai Power Tools 7 ProCreate.rar

Lokas Software 3D Maker 1.2.rar

Lokas Software Artistic Effects 1.5.rar

PANTONE ColorVision ProfilerPRO 3.0.1.rar

Photomatix Tone Mapping 1.0.

Photoshop Interface Assistant 2.1.rar

Phototune 2020 Color MD 1.0.rar

Phototune SkinTune 1.0.rar

Portraiture 1.0.08 for Photoshop

Power Retouche Pro 6.2.


Tools for Television Photoshop Toolbox ISO




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Камрады! То ли я не углядел, то ли нету тут такого плагина, но мож мне всётки ктонить подскажет плагин для создания эффекта потрескавшейся штукатурки?? ОЧЕНЬ надо!!! Заранее благодарен.

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написал бы название хоть. так сложно вспомнить

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да вот я тока видел этот эффект на работах одного дизайнера, могу выложить фотку, мож тада кто скажет каким он фильтром пользовался? Куда выкладывать?

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да прямо сюда и клади

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Стыжусь спросить а как??? =( или его нада сначала на ютуб залить?

Все есть в ЧАВО.

Есть вопрос задавай туда

А так ЛДС прав

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Думаю не плагин, думаю просто хорошее умение. Видел в нете урок как сделать из тетки, тетку-зомби. Помоему у нее на лице тож трещины бли. Все рисовалась стандартными средствами

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TwistingPixels ArtStudioPro Bundle v1.35


TwistingPixels ArtStudioPro Bundle v1.35

(Standalone and Adobe Photosop plug-in)

Convert photos into a water color painting, drawing or oil painting impression!

ArtStudoPro Bundle contains ArtStudoPro Vol.1 and ArtStudoPro Vol.2

Convert photos into a water color painting or drawing!

ArtStudoPro Volume 1 includes: Colored Pencil, Crayon, Marker, Technical Pen and Watercolor.

Supporting effects: Colored Pencil Brush, Colored Pencil Fill, Colored Pencil Inside, Colored Pencil Outside, Colored Pencil Outline, Colored Pencil Shade Outline, Crayon Brush, Crayon Inside, Crayon Outside, Marker Brush, Marker Outside, Marker Strokes, Paper Texture, Restore Original, Technical Pen Brush, Technical Pen Outline, Underlayment, Watercolor Base, Watercolor Blend Strokes, Watercolor Brush, Watercolor Details, Watercolor Dry Strokes, Watercolor Wash and Watercolor Wet Strokes.

Convert photos into an oil painting impression!

ArtStudoPro Volume 2 includes: Oil Painting, Oil Pastel, Chalk, Charcoal and Finger Painting.

Supporting effects: Chalk Outline, Chalk Smudge, Charcoal Outline, Charcoal Smudge, Oil Pastel Details, Oil Color, Oil Details and Oil Brush.

Products run as a stand-alone application as well as a plug-in.

Host applications:

- Adobe Photoshop 7.0 or later

- Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0 or later

- Macromedia Fireworks MX 2004 or later

- Corel (Jasc) Paint Shop Pro 8 or later


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Digital Anarchy Backdrop Designer v1.2.2 for Photoshop (20,7MB)


Backdrop Designer is a new Photoshop plugin that allows you to create resolution independent backgrounds, similar to what you find in expensive muslin canvases used in photography studios. Use Backdrop Designer to insert 100's of different pre-made backdrops with one click. Modify them with lighting effects, 3D distortions, shadows, and color choices. Or, combine the presets to create your own unique backdrop. Digital backgrounds can make commercial photography more flexible, because your clients are not limited to an image decided upon before their photoshoot.

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всем спасиба за плагины ...все хороши . но трафика мало ...

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Скачал 250 эффектов для фотошопа, и не знаю в какую папку их скопировать, в плагинах фотошоп почему то ругается и не загружается!!! У меня фотошоп CS3!!!

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нужно просто немного подумать.

Если файлы с расширением ABR допустим.

Открываем папку с фотошопом и ищем схожие файлы, с таким же разширением...

Дальше понятно что делать... Просто подумать..... :)

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