Photoshop plugins

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Поставил в ту папочку, где есть такие расширения, всё равно ругается, не находит какую то библиотеку dll;)

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наверное Mscrvt10.dll? если да то поищи по диску С он может быть там... если нет то он должен найти хотябы Mscrvt20или40.dll - копируешь его и переименовываешь в Mscrvt10.dll - всё работает)))

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AKVIS Decorator v1.3 - Resurface and Recolor


AKVIS Decorator - Программа позволяет изменять поверхность объекта на изображении.

С помощью программы можно наложить текстуру с сохранением объема, рельефа, изгибов, складок, теней исходного изображения. Нужно просто выделить часть изображения в фоторедакторе (одежду, машину, мебель, даже лицо человека), а затем вызвать плагин и выбрать текстуру. И вот на платье появился красивый орнамент, машина теперь словно сложена из кирпичиков, а вместо соседа на вас глядит с фотографии вполне приличный гуманоид. Экспериментируя с Decorator, можно создавать совершенно невообразимые вещи.

В вашем распоряжении разнообразие вариантов — от природных материалов до причудливых узоров! Ведь в программе представлена богатая Библиотека текстур: текстура дерева, металла, камня, травы, тканей — и другие образцы поверхностей.

После выбора текстуры можно ее изменить, приспособив к поверхности, указав степень искривления текстуры, определив положение источника света, яркость и объемность изображения (распределение света и тени). Можно сгенерировать текстуру на основе уже готовой — повернуть ее, поиграть с масштабом узора, изменить цвет текстуры, — и даже загрузить свои текстуры (смотрите инструкцию в учебнике).

Есть возможность и простого перекрашивания выбранного объекта. На закладке Цвет нужно просто выбрать нужный оттенок из Библиотеки цветов. Как и в случае с текстурами, здесь можно указать степень влияния яркости и объема исходного изображения на результат.

AKVIS DECORATOR ver 1.5 лежит тут:

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Vertus Fluid Mask v3.0.1 Final


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ссылки открываются при цитировании :D извиняйте ребята, я случайно...


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Caps Lock нажми пожалуйста.

Извините за оффтоп.

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будет больше, если есть о чем поговорить)

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Alien Skin Bokeh Release - Photoshop plug-in


Alien Skin Bokeh Release - Photoshop plug-inBokeh is a Photoshop plug-in that lets you manipulate focus just like expensive fast lenses. Accurate simulation of real lenses gives photo-realistic distinctive blurring and creamy highlights.

This product features an unlockable demo. If you already have the demo installed on your system, you can purchase a license code to immediately turn it into the full product.

Bokeh is a Photoshop plug-in that lets you manipulate focus just like expensive fast lenses. Accurate simulation of real lenses gives photo-realistic distinctive blurring and creamy highlights. Get creative with full control of a radial sweet spot and vignetting, just like expensive tilt-shift lenses. Bokeh can even render heart-shaped highlights!

Bokeh™ is almost here!

Alien Skin Bokeh Release - Photoshop plug-inWe are putting the finishing touches on Bokeh, our lens simulator Photoshop plug-in filter. It won’t ship until the first week of December, but here is a sneak peek.

Bokeh can draw attention to your subject by manipulating focus and depth of field after the shot has been taken. From changing the depth of field to placing a radial sweet spot and adding a vignette, Bokeh provides many techniques for realistic blurring and altering the mood of a scene.

Bokeh is the only software that accurately simulates the distinctive blurring and creamy highlights of real lenses. Terence Tay, Bokeh’s designer, performed careful experiments with lenses famous for their bokeh highlights, such as the Canon® EF 85mm f/1.2 II and the Nikon® 105mm f/2.8 Macro. The result is a photo-realistic look, in contrast to the unnatural blur from other software.

A picture is worth a thousand words, but a video is worth a zillion. So, if you want to really see what Bokeh can do, go watch Jim White’s Bokeh video on our web site.

Alien Skin Software Bokeh are compatible with the 64-bit version of CS 4, but all of our other plug-ins must be installed into and run from the 32-bit version of CS 4. All future product releases and full version upgrades will be 64-bit compatible.

Size: = 8.73 mb

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Depth of Field Generator PRO. v3.0.74


Depth of Field Generator PRO. v3.0.74 | 2.3 mb

Depth Of Field Generator PRO Brings The Subject Into Focus

The Depth of Field (DoF) Generator PRO is a Photoshop compatible plug-in capable of delivering high quality, sophisticated Depth of Field and 'Bokeh' effects quickly and efficiently as a post process. All stemming from an R&D programming collaboration between Richard Rosenman and Martin Vicanek.

The term 'Bokeh', which literally means 'blurring' in Japanese, has been introduced into the film, photography and computer graphics industries to describe the out-of-focus blur characteristics. It is determined mainly by the shape of the camera lens and can be seen best on out-of-focus highlights which assume the shape of the lens aperture.

DoF Generator PRO uses Z-Depth information/maps to produce accurate depth of field generation for final renders, both CGI and/or photographic. DoF PRO gives you full control over the shape of the aperture, size, orientation, curvature, edge artefact reduction, Depth Map editing and generation, highlight enhancement and much more

DoF Generator PRO supports pentagonal, hexagonal, heptagonal, octagonal and circular apertures with the ability to rotate, size and smooth (curvature) the bokeh.

Depth Of Field Generator PRO Brings The Subject Into FocusIn computer graphics, physically accurate Depth of Field can be effectively generated using complex ray tracing techniques that tend to increase rendering times significantly. As a result, most computer generated broadcast and film production often lacks DoF as a result of these lengthy calculation times.

In its most advanced and powerful mode, DoF Generator PRO uses a specified depth map to derive an accurate DoF effect. A Depth Map is a greyscale image where the grey level at any given point represents the distance of the object from the camera at the same point in the original image.

DoF Generator PRO is intended for single frames and currently does not support animation. This is a plug-in architecture limitation as well as Adobe compatibility limitation, but animation support may be added in future releases.

There are options for dealing with edge artefacting and effectively reducing, if not completely eliminating them altogether. There's additional powerful features such as highlight color tinting, a highly optimized rendering console, the ability to generate your own gradients on the fly for depth map use, and the ability to completely edit your depth maps on the fly.

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